

AptosJS provides a collection of react hooks to interact with the Aptos blockchain. The goal of this library is to make the Aptos blockchain the easiest to build on top of.


npm install aptosjs aptos


import { useAccount } from "aptosjs"
function App() {
  const { data, loading, error } = useAccount({
    "address": "0xaf5b13d09028304654615f4d10d0622056912a9696c4d4fbec9d1a7033962594",
    "network": "mainnet"
  if (loading) return <div>Loading...</div>
  if (error) return <div>{error}</div>
  return <div>{data?.balance}</div>

Return Example

// Data returned for the following address on mainnet:  0xaf5b13d09028304654615f4d10d0622056912a9696c4d4fbec9d1a7033962594
  balance: 5216176148n,
  formatted_balance: "52.16176148 APT",
  tokenCount: 566,
  transactionsCount: 6326,
  coins: [
    amount: 5216176148,
    formatted_amount: "52.16176148 APT",
    name: "Aptos Coin",
    symbol : "APT",
  nfts: [
      amount: 1,
      collection_id: "7b26443a061a6493aed132597e2348d39c88b4101a23a7a0c7c0677f9245376b", 
      collection_name: "ALPHA DRAGON" ,
      creator_addres: "0xf107df9f3e87cb68b20b84623357c3218689a6eec5595890582520326807a412", 
      description: "766 ALPHA DRAGON ", 
      metadata_https_uri: "https://ipfs.io/ipfs/nftstorage.link/ipfs/bafybeigho5x4ppl2zvr2eew72sei7eyqh64ckfjsgwhc5j2vdxaava5txu/762",
      metadata_uri: "https://nftstorage.link/ipfs/bafybeigho5x4ppl2zvr2eew72sei7eyqh64ckfjsgwhc5j2vdxaava5txu/762", 
      name: "ALPHA DRAGON #762"


AptosJS allows you to interact with the Aptos blockchain in the following ways:

  • Retrieve gas information at a given block
  • Get address APT balance
  • Send APT in devnet/testnet using Faucet
  • Get NFT information
  • Get NFT collection information
  • View account information and holdings and a lot more...


This library as created by Mustafa Aljadery (opens in a new tab).

Follow me here:


All code is under an MIT License.